MoonCat Club ๐Ÿฑ๐Ÿ˜ป

We love our MoonCats. Join the club.

MoonCats are the first on-chain generative art NFT (non-fungible token). An on-chain generated art piece is generated algorithmically when it is minted and stored on the blockchain.

The first MoonCats were rescued on August 10, 2017. 25,600 needed to be rescued from the moon, bringing them to live on the Ethereum blockchain happily ever after.

Here's what some look like:

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Cute huh?

As of March 12, 2021, all 25,600 available MoonCats were rescued. See "remainingCats" in the smart contract.

Learn more from the original website for MoonCats, MoonCatResue.

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